September 18th, 2024

My dearest love, Steven,

I am over the moon and exploding with joy to be writing this letter to you for as special of a day as this one. Happiest of three months to you and me, my dearest! Our time together thus far has been perfect, one for the ages and one for the books. I couldn’t wait to get back to Regina for the summer and prior to my flight back, I was counting down each day like an inmate scratching ticks into the wall. I couldn’t wait to feel what it felt like to be in your arms again. It was such a mixture of pure happiness, delight, timidness, and nervousness in the days leading up to it. I remember I couldn’t even pack my belongings in a normal manner, I was frantic in throwing everything in without rhyme or reason because I just wanted to see you again as soon as I possibly could. My body was nervous, but it also knew that it was going to be in for one of the best summers in its lifetime. It could have not been more perfect, for these three months to also be the summer months, for me to be back in my childhood home and town, for us to be able to be together in this new light and to have the pleasure of seeing and getting to know the city in a new way together. We are so incredibly lucky. Three magical months of nonstop laughter and love. So much love. Let the warmth of the eternal summer carry us through the winter. Let us recount the memories we’ve created whenever we need to feel their comfort; I never want these times to wane in my mind.

It seems that whenever an occasion like this comes and goes, the realization of time and how quickly it does the same also wavers in the spotlight. In the past, I’ve mourned over how quickly time passes, and how I struggle to catch each fleeting moment as it fly past me. I always felt like a helpless kid looking up at a sky full of shooting stars: reaching my hand up towards them and being so sure that I could grab just one if I stood on my tippy-toes a little higher. Yes, time is still passing us by but my god, you have given me not just one shooting star, no, you’ve given me an entire night sky of them and then some. These last three months have been without a single doubt, some of the best in my life so far and these magical, ephemeral moments that we’ve shared – our shooting stars – are kept sacredly in my heart; they are glowing like lightning bugs in a jar to keep me warm through the colder winter months that are approaching. You’ve given me the love that never wavers in the harsh winds of time, the love that never covers its ears at the loud ticking of the clock, the love that will never shudder at the fireworks of New Year's Day. The love you’ve given me has created nothing but a joyful feverishness for the prospect of the next day and the next and the next with you. For I know that I will get to experience it all with you, next to you. And once time does pass us by as it inevitably will do, and when we have watched a thousand sunsets, and we are bent, out bodies crooked with age, please don’t forget to ask me again in the twilight, in the shadow of the life we have shared together, ask me if I love you, and my heart will answer before my lips can even part. My love, my life, my heart has never left your hands since the day I looked into your eyes and saw us. I will answer always, evermore, even after. Still.

Before writing this letter, I had just read what Saint-Exupery said about love, that it was not looking at each other, but looking together in the same direction. God, how beautifully written and how wonderfully put I thought, though, I would correct him and say that I believe it is equal parts of looking at each other and in the same direction for I find your eyes too magical and kind, so much so that I would fight a Saint to prove it so. I bless every day the fates that brought me to meet you. Without you, a part of me would have been forever blind. And so, here is where I will promise for the rest of our lives together, Steven, that we will always look towards the sunrise and together, we will make every single second count. I love you.

Your love always,
